340 Pbp
Download the firmware 3.40 update and rename it to '340.PBP'. After you rename the 3.40 file, put it inside of the oeupdmaker folder. Note: There should now be 3 files in the oeupdmaker folder. Jul 21, 2007 I have tryed twice to get the 340.PBP from this site and when i run updatemaker 340 it says invalid 340 file. 150.PBP file is 13.575KB and the 340.PBP is 21,533KB i tryed to download it like 3 times no luck im using a Sandisk 2GB Magicgate memory stick (purchased from circuit city retail) so i.
- A1.50 PSP, if your PSP isn’t 1.50, and is 3.50 or lower, you candowngrade it using the Lumines downgrade. Otherwise, you can downgradeusing Pandora’s Battery.
- File- 1.50 EBOOT file - http://rapidshare.com/files/64035884/EBOOT_1.50.zip.html
- File- 3.40 Official SONY Update – http://rapidshare.com/files/64049891/PSP_340_UPDATE.RAR.html
- File- 3.40 OE Update file- http://rapidshare.com/files/64049099/340_oea.rar.html
- A PSP battery with more than 75% batter life.
Step 1: (Preparation)
*(optional)It is recommended to back up the files on your Memory Stick and thenformat your memory stick. The option is available under Settings ->system settings on the XMB. (main PSP menu) Also, remove any UMD fromyour PSP before beginning this process.
*First, download the 3 above files, but for now, we are going to work with the 3.40 OE folder:‘340_oea.rar’. Extract this folder to your desktop. Connect your PSP to your computer via USB and enter USB Mode.
*Inside the 3.40 oea folder, there are the following files:
I labeled each of them to express in the tutorial, however, you don’treally even use ‘5’ and ‘6’ in this tutorial, but you can look at themto read about these files.
*Dependingon which firmware you are trying to upgrade from, you will need to putthe ‘1’ and ‘2’ folders in different places. The sims 4 anatomy mod 2. A 1.50 firmware user wouldput the two folders in the ‘GAME’ folder on your PSP under MS/PSP/GAME.A 2.XX or 3.XX(a 3.xx custom firmware lower than 3.40) firmware userwould put the ‘1’ and ‘2’ folders in the ‘GAME150’ folder underMS/PSP/GAME/GAME150.
Wii firmware 4.1e. And so the product server has thrown some error message and I must change the code and test it with the tester team.This was easier than thought:I installed a missed php extension and replaced » $a = funcidx;« by » $a = func; $a = $aidx;« at several places.And now I need some people of the tester team at 13:00 CET to make a final test at the new server. And I will not manually exchange the php installation for a running server (takes medium time, if it works, takes much more time if not).
*Nowwe are messing with the 3.40 Official Sony Update folder. Extract it toyour desktop. Inside, there is a file called ‘340.PBP’. NOTE: If youdownloaded the Sony Official 3.40 Update from somewhere else, insidethe folder, the ‘340.PBP’ file may be named ‘EBOOT.PBP’. So you willhave to rename it to ‘340.PBP’.
*Nowwe are messing with the 1.50 EBOOT folder. Extract it to your desktop.Inside, there is a file called ‘1.50 EBOOT.PBP’, so rename it to‘150.PBP’.
*Onceyou both have the ‘340.PBP’ and the ‘150.PBP’ files ready, copy/pastethem into the ‘2’ folder under MS/PSP/GAME/oeupdmaker if you are at1.50 firmware. If you are at 2.xx or 3.xx, then you put them into theGAME150/oeupdmaker folder. As shown in my picture.
Step 2: (Beginning Process)
*Nowexit out of USB Mode and you are now ready to begin the process. Go tothe Game tab and then Memory Stick. Click on the ‘3.40 OE-A UpdateMaker’, This will create the ‘DATA.DXAR’ file in the ‘2’ folder.
*Enterback into USB Mode once you are redirected to the XMB. Then copy/pastethe ‘3’ and ‘4’ folders into the same folder you put the ‘1’ and ‘2’folders.
*Nowopen the ‘2’ folder and you will see the ‘DATA.DXAR’ file, cut/pastethat file and put it in the ‘4’ folder’. Now exit out of USB Mode.
Step 3: (Upgrading Process)
*Youare now ready to Upgrade to 3.40 OE-A. However, make sure your batteryis charged over 75% and have your AC Adapter Plugged in.
*Nowgo to the game tab in the XMB and then click on Memory Stick. the ‘3.40OE-A Firmware Install’ option should appear. Accept that and follow thedirections on-screen. It will tell you to restart the PSP so hold thepower button thing up until the green light turns off; make a completeshutdown of the PSP system.
Congratulations,you now have a 3.40 OE-A PSP! You can now play NES, GBA, SNES, N64 andSEGA emulators. You can use your PSP as a universal remote, or watchYoutube Videos directly off your PSP, and play backup iso files on yourPSP. 3.40 OE-A has a built in PS1 Emulator, so use my tutorial to makean Eboot file out of your PS1 disc to play it on your PSP.