Best Wow Ui Compilations

Apr 21, 2016  They ruin the WoW aesthetic theme (the medieval-ish parchment look, among other things). I looked for other UI packages but never found anything that fit me. Cars fast as lightning mcqueen. So what I've got is almost a dozen UI addons & custom fonts that provide a somewhat stylized & minimalist look while keeping most of the original menus, nameplates and unit frames. Bartender: This is your basic Action Bar AddOn. It will replace the entire bottom portion of the UI, basically. Menu buttons, bags, experience bar, etc. You can also choose to hide any of those or add more Action Bars than you will probably know what to do with to your screen. PitBul: A complete Unit-Frame.

If you need to clean up your WoW Classic unit frames for easier play, you should consider getting some addons. The default Blizzard frames can be troublesome, and they lack the ability to show stuff like debuff timers. There’s a few addons out there to make your life in Azeroth a lot more manageable.

One of the most popular unit frame addons for the live game is available for Classic too. ElvUI is the slick-looking unit frames that you probably see in most screenshots. It’s popular because it’s easy to set up and looks great from the start. If you’re someone who doesn’t want to spend ages trying to move your UI elements around to look just right, this is the addon for you. Of course if you want to spend a lot of time customizing, you can do that with ElvUI as well.

Any ElvUI user has also probably heard of TukUI. It’s similarly as useful but way more minimalist looking, and it too is available for the original game. This unit frame addon is for people who really want to immerse themselves in the world of the game and do away with intrusive UI. It might be a little too utilitarian for people who don’t mind the standard action bars and unit frames, but there are other options for that.

If you want a little more flavor in your game, you can pick up SpartanUI Classic. This addon transforms your unit frames and action bars to look thematically clean and fitting. It’s a different take on the fantasy look of the regular game, but it stands against other addons that turn everything into modern-looking control boards.

Anyone who played the game years ago will probably remember Xperl unit frames. That addon is technically back with Z-Perl UnitFrames. It has that same clean look that it did years ago but it works in the newer game. The addon supports stuff like Real Mob Health so you can know roughly how much health an enemy has, and it includes compact cast bars. Z-Perl can require a fair amount of customization for different classes, but if you have the time, it’s worth trying out.

Even if you’re a purist and enjoy the Blizzard UI, you should still consider dabbling in unit frame addons to see what’s out there. Even if you don’t want to change to look of your bars, they provide a lot of information that the game otherwise doesn’t. One of these could add just enough to the experience that could make playing the game more approachable, and with the very real struggles of the original game, any help is welcome.

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