Lineage 2 Forge Of The Gods Mobs Spoil

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246: Atk.Spd. 253: Casting Spd. 333: Walk Spd. R/Lineage2: The Official subreddit dedicated to the PC versions of the. Hero of the ruins of despair buff (Decaying box): Just stay AFK near the mob and you'll. Best option to get adena around 1-30th lvls- start on spoil. Forge of the Gods.

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Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:24 pm

Joined: Tue Apr 14, 2009 6:29 am
Posts: 46
hey guys, im currently playing in a low rate interlude server with npc buff(aio) this srv ews ar toooo expensive ..i mean is like 3 ews = 1 db +f ! i'm playing a bishop so i try to farm ews to buy some gear!i did once pagan temple's quest and got 1 ..where else could i farm? or what quest can i make?subbing is not reall a problem,tough i have cash only for b grade mp pots in server !
thx in advance

Post subject: Re: EWS farm

Joined: Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:50 pm
Posts: 1129
hey guys, im currently playing in a low rate interlude server with npc buff(aio) this srv ews ar toooo expensive ..i mean is like 3 ews = 1 db +f ! i'm playing a bishop so i try to farm ews to buy some gear!i did once pagan temple's quest and got 1 ..where else could i farm? or what quest can i make?subbing is not reall a problem,tough i have cash only for b grade mp pots in server !
thx in advance

get spoil and go spoil in forge of gods from basilics and other mobs
if u arent nobles u can go to mos deep in side, (personaly i spoil in the end 3 floor small room), also get quest in rune 2 floor , while spoiling ews in mos u will colect q items, and i dont remember but i think 4k is 1 ews, per day i colected 20 ews spoil+ quest ofc i wasnt nolifing
also u can lvl up dagger and create keys for chests, then go to imperial tomb beginning where is plenty of chest, and do u magic (u can get many keys in rift, killing mobs in 1 room )

_________________ BFDR golden ages.

Post subject: Re: EWS farm

Joined: Tue Apr 14, 2009 6:29 am
Posts: 46
xmm i ll try mos thing i think.but for the quest..isn't t a bit difficult to make this quest (i ve seen some 'secret' rooms in mos or some..dunno) ..each mob =1 q item? can i handle mobs with b grade blunt +armor? btw im not nobl

Post subject: Re: EWS farm

Joined: Wed Mar 23, 2011 8:25 pm
Posts: 21
fog with nobles tp is best place for spoil ews


Post subject: Re: EWS farm

Joined: Tue Apr 14, 2009 6:29 am
Posts: 46
fog with nobles tp is best place for spoil ews

im not noblesse too difficult to go there even with siren dance

Post subject: Re: EWS farm

Joined: Sun Jan 02, 2011 6:38 pm
Posts: 309
Location: SharpEye
mos quest and divine advocate
/end of story


Post subject: Re: EWS farm

Joined: Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:50 pm
Posts: 1129
xmm i ll try mos thing i think.but for the quest..isn't t a bit difficult to make this quest (i ve seen some 'secret' rooms in mos or some..dunno) ..each mob =1 q item? can i handle mobs with b grade blunt +armor? btw im not nobl

it depends how much q rates are in your server, if its mid i bet it must be more than 2 or 3x q rates, also get sub dagger and u can trade these q items easely with stealth :]

_________________ BFDR golden ages.

Post subject: Re: EWS farm

Joined: Sat Aug 13, 2011 6:18 am
Posts: 40
sry, could u tell me the server you play ? want to check it out :s

Post subject: Re: EWS farm

Joined: Tue Apr 14, 2009 6:29 am
Posts: 46
sry, could u tell me the server you play ? want to check it out :s
server is in maintenance now till 18.00 GMT cause of a damaged HDD
hope i cu online !

Post subject: Re: EWS farm

Joined: Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:55 pm
Posts: 554
Location: Denmark
pagan quest is the easiest way..


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Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2017 3:38 am

Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2017 3:26 am
Posts: 1
Hello everyone. I'm the administrator of L2Vehiron and i'm here to show you our server.
As you saw already from the title, our server is L2j based. We are using the latest version of the known Pride pack, but we have changed alot of things that you will be able to explore as we move further.
First of all, our server is fully customized with custom EXP rate. The pack has been changed in order to resurrect your will to play. Also, keep in mind that the project is still under development, things come and go. Enough talking, lets continue to more interesting stuff.
Client : Gracia Final.
Rates : [Adena : custom] , [EXP : 9000x] , [SP : 3000x].
Enchant Rates : Depend on weapon, armor and scroll.
Safe Enchant : Depend on weapon, armor and scroll.
Max Enchant : +25.
NPC : Fully customized Buffer, GM shop, PvP Merchant, Event Merchant, Blacksmith and more.
Max. Level : 95.
Auto Event Engine.
Sieges every week.
Fully working Community Board.
Offline shop mode.
Auto learn skills.
Auto pick-up.
Heroes every 2 weeks.
Drop list by shift+click on mob.
Fully reworked Wedding system.
L2 Vehiron is based on L2Pride source.Our team has changed and reworked most features including Farm zones, NPCs, Community board and most importantly balance between classes. In particular, we have created new skills for weak classes like Shillien Saint and Tyrant. We have also changed their base stats like CON, DEX and INT.Finishing,we have changed the external appearance of most armors and weapons.Our key to success is the continuous development and the support of the players. You can find more information below.
Vehiron has 4 farm zones. The difficult range of the mobs differs on every zone. We have reworked the solo & party farm style so both options are worth.
The following farm zones are ordered according to their degree of difficulty.
Cave of Trials is a newbie farm zone. You can only access it if you are using S80 Grade items or/and below.
Variety of mobs can be found in there which in certain situations require party with a tank and healer.
Also, there are raid bosses and powerful APCs that drop a lot of different things like Superior Accesories, Vesper Jewels and more.
Ruins of Despair is an mixed farm zone.The zone is based on anti-ks mob system. That means, if you attack a mob,no one can hit it unless he is in your party/clan.
You can access with any gear. Many Raidbosses such as Unspeakable Horror and Cruel rider spawn there.
Also, watch out for APCs like Imagio Mage,Soul benderand more!
Cemetary is a hard party farm zone. You can find few solo monsters around the area but most are made for parties. Every mob has its weakness. For example, pus boomer take high damage from arrows. Oblivion deals massive AOE damage so killing it with ranged classes is preferred.
Raid bosses such as Decarbia and Palibati are located there.By walking around,you can also find many APCs such as Cemetary Looter and Pilgrim.
Forge of the Gods is the hardest farm zone. All of the mobs, APCs and raid bosses are resistant to every weapon except Vehiron, Dread and Unique weapons.
Their drop rate is higher than every other zone. Fully customized mobs are located there with new skills, appearence and weapons.
Many specific drops such as Cloaks, Agathions and Belts can only be dropped in there.
Strongest APCs of the server spawn in there.
Custom events take place every 2 hours(might change).
Winners and losers are rewarded with an amount of event medals.
Additional reward system have been implemented such as First blood reward, First score reward, Killing spree reward & more.
You can use event medals on our Event Merchant in order to buy Event Exclusive Items.
Instanced Zones are the game zones created separately for each party of players or a player who's entered the zone. It's impossible to meet any other party or player there.
The point of having instances is that they allow players gear up quickly.That's why most of them are easy to do.
L2 Vehiron has 3 instances which differ on difficulty.
1) Kamaloka is the easiest instance. You follow a path protected from different mobs.At the end,you have to kill a Raid boss. It requires 3 people to join and you can go in there once a day.
2)DVC Instance is a medium difficulty instance. You have to follow a specific path full of mobs. At the end,you have to kill Darion. Requires 4-7 players to join and you can join every (?) days.
3)Aden instance is a depended difficulty instance. You are teleported into a different dimension and u are able to kill ANY raid boss you want, but only 1 time. Requires 4-8 people to join,once every week.
4)2 More instances not announced yet.
Raid Bosses
On L2 Vehiron you can find more than 150 Raid Bosses. They are divided into level categories. The standard are listed below,
First, we have Level 85 Raidbosses. They have 'bad' drops but reward you with a good amount of clan points and fame.
Level 91 are next. They have decent drops and they reward you with many clan points and fame.
Raidbosses more than 91 level such as Verfa, Lilith, Anakim and more are fully customized with balanced stats and skills.
Their drops are almost the best on the server. Some of the items they are drop Unique weapons, Legacy Vehiron armor parts,Relic jewels and more.
Finally, we have the STRONGEST Raidboss located at the Cave of Fire. You can teleport there using the AIO cubic.
It drops the BEST items on the servers such as Cloaks, Unique & Vehiron weapons, Relic and Vesper Jewels.
On L2Vehiron, you will also find a unique Raidboss shout/flag. What it does is simple. Every time the raidboss reach a specific amount of HP(80%,30%), a shout of with the name of boss will be shown on Global Chat. It will also flag every player at a radius of 2000(?). Forget about 'Silent Killers'. The main reason of this system is to keep the PVP at the highest level possible.
Custom Armors & Weapons
L2 Vehiron has 5 types of custom armors.Every armor is fully customizable.
List of the armors below.
Dynasty Armor
The cheapest and weakest custom armor. Can be bought from Advanced Merchant with silver and silver bars.
[Usually used for farming because you receive 15% reduced damage from monsters]
Vehiron Armor
Tier 4 armor. Can bought from Advanced Merchant with different materials.
One of the strongest armors. Made for PvP and Farm.
Adds skill Inner Fire*.
Legacy Vehiron
Tier 4 armor. In fact, its the same as normal Vehiron. The only difference is that each part
adds specific stats. For example,boots add 2 run speed.
Cannot be bought from any shop. Dropped from mobs and raid bosses.
Can be equipped with normal Vehiron.Adds skill Inner Fire*.
Vehiron Weapons
Tier 4 weapons. Can be bought from Advanced Shop or dropped from certain mobs.
Strong for farm and PvP. Adds true damage on every attack.
Adds active skill Sudden Flash*.
Custom Jewels & Accessories
L2 Vehiron has 3 tier of jewels. They can all be bought from Advanced Shop or dropped from certain mobs and Raidbosses.
Please notice that there are more jewels that can be bought with PvP Tokens from the PvP Merchant.
[TIER 1]Dynasty Jewels
S80 Jewels that can be bought from Advanced Shop using Silver, Silver bars & Zircons.
Enchanting the set to 17 or above grants the owner a special bonus.
Each one of them adds a special stat.
e.g. Earring gives you 2 MEN.
[TIER 2]Vinyl Jewels
S84 Jewels that can be bought from Advanced Shop or dropped from Raidbosses.
When all jewels are +15 or higher, damage received is reduced by 50.
Each one of them grants you special stats.
e.g. Ring gives you 2 WIT & DEX.
[TIER 3]Relic Jewels
Legendary Jewels that can be bought from Advanced Shop or dropped from certain Raidbosses.
Every single one of them grants you bonus stats and effects.
e.g. Valakas' Tremor gives you water resistance,debuff resistance, INT/STR +1 and more.
Custom Cloaks
Every cloak on L2 Vehiron has something unique and special to offer. They are divided into categories which are Mages, Fighters & Tanks.
Starting,we have Super hero Cloaks. You can get them by donating but they are also droppable from many Raidbosses.
The cloak you need depends on your class. For example, Tanks use Halcyon Cape because it increases your received healing power.
We also have Ancient Cloak which increases your P.def and can be dropped from many Raidbosses.
Continuing, we have added 3 new Hero Cloaks. Each Class category(Mage,Fighter,Tank) receives a special color and statistics Cloak. You can only take/wear them if you are Hero.
Finally, we have Vehiron aka Crimson Cape which increases your speed by 6 and can be obtained by capturing the Western Fortress.
Custom Skills
We couldn't let skills unchanged. So, most of them got reworked in many ways. Most of them are edited on the effects, other are edited on what they are used for.
Also, new skills are coming on the road. They are called Forbidden skills. They are really powerful skills that you cannot get yet.
Every class can learn up to 2 Forbidden skills for now.
Last but not least, most toggle skills won't active because their effects are already automatically applied.
However, toggle skills with some form of penalty(ie Parry Stance) are left toggle-able by the player.
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