History Alive The Ancient World Answer Guide

History Alive! The Ancient World.For each question below, record notes that prepare you to answer it. Name at least seven characteristics that make a culture a civilization. Had the Sumerians created a civilization by 3000 B.C.E.? Justify your response with specific evidence for each major characteristic of a civi-lization.

How To Get Homework Assignment Reminders and Test Schedule

How To Pass Social Studies Class

Why Use Common Core Standards?

Learning Objectives by Chapter:

Teacher Note:

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Kincaid’s Class Motto
Today is a day to achieve.
If I work hard, I will succeed.
I can learn! I will learn!
It’s all up to me.
No disrespect or bullying allowed,
Making my school and community proud!

The KINCAID Garden

In my garden I will plant five rows of peas:

I can count on you for:




Revit 2017 trial



Then I will put in four rows of lettuce:

Let us be honest,

Let us have integrity,

Let us be responsible,

Let us be respectful to one another.

Next to them I planted three rows of squash:

Squash gossip,

Squash criticism, and

Squash negativity.

No garden is complete without turnips:

Turn up for class,

Turn up with a smile,

Turn up with ideas and questions

Turn up with determination.

You can count on me for:

The 5 P’s + 1 (Professionalism)

Adapted from the : Phi Delta Kappa “garden” of principles

Classroom Behavior and Expectations

(details of The 5 P’s)

Welcome To 7th Grade Social Studies

The Eastern/Western Hemispheres

The Ancient World

Ms. KincaidUnis Middle School (313) 827-7703 https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/kincaia/

Ms. K’s Social Studies Experience

Ms. K’s Social Studies Experience – 7th Grade

Course Description

Seventh Graders will study Eastern and Western Hemispheres while focusing on developing the skills necessary to analyze and interpret the world from a geographic, historical, and cultural perspective. Students will develop and understanding of the physical and cultural processes the shape regions and people and cultivate an appreciation of our roles and responsibilities as world citizens. Seventh grade students will additionally study the emergence of major religions in the Eastern Hemisphere, as well as ancient civilizations in this part of the world. Mayan, Aztec, and Incan societies will be taught this year also. Students will also begin to understand government and economic systems, along with principals of financial literacy.

Our Goal is to answer these essential questions:

Rules and Procedures

      • Come to class ON TIME and prepared with an open mind and a willingness to learn.
      • The Golden Rule – Treat others the way you want to be treated.
      • Do not be afraid to make mistakes.
      • Take responsibility for your action and work.
      • Be respectful of each other and the teacher at all time.
      • Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak.
      • Follow directions as given.
      • Use respectful language and refrain from using unacceptable language.
      • Food and drink are not allowed in class unless previously notified by the teacher.
      • Cheating and/plagiarism are unacceptable and strictly prohibited = NO CREDIT!

Grading Policy

Exit Tickets, informal task, document based writings, and projects count for the majority of the grade. Classwork and bell work count for a portion of the grade. Homework is given when classwork is not completed. Reading, writing, listening, and speaking will occur daily in class. Students participation and engagement on a daily basis is essential to student success. Assignments not completed in class will be required homework and due the next day. Assessments will be given throughout the course of study to determine the individual student’s development, as well as, the effectiveness of the teaching/learning environment. Students who are frequently absent miss valuable instructional time, and rarely feel successful in their classes. Therefore, it is imperative that the student be in class everyday so they do not miss out on the concepts that have been taught that day.

Grading Scale

A+ 97.0 A 93.0 A- 90.0

B+ 87.0 B 83.0 B 80.0

History Alive The Ancient World Answer Guide

C+ 77.0 C 73.0 C- 70.0

D+ 67.0 D 63.0 D- 60.0

E 59.0 G credit

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