Reportviewer Export Pdf Extra Page

Exported PDF contains Extra Pages
Hi guys! When displaying report using a ReportViewer, the single page displayed is just fine. An image at the left side, at table of information at the right. However, when exported to pdf, the image and the table is rendered on separate individual pages. Is there anyway to modify this behaviour? Thank in advance! Have you tried to reduce the width of the report's body?HTH, Best Regards Hi visa, Haven't done that yet but I would like to ask, why do you think the report's width thats causing this behaviour? I'm still new to Reporting Services.. =)..
SSRS export to xml using .net
hi Here i am trying to export the option by loading the report by using .net. i saw a sample here is the link Can any one tel me what is the assembly reference for ReportingService rs = new ReportingService() and ReportExecutionService rs = new ReportExecutionService(); Regards, Madhavi Imports Microsoft.Reporting.WebFormsMARK AS ANSWER IF MY POST HELPED YOU! THIS REDUCES TIME FOR OTHERS.! Hi i found the solution. add the WebReference of http://servername//ReportServer/ReportService.asmx then in code we ..
errors when exporting .net page to EXCEL!
Hi All,I have a .aspx page that on Page_Load, DataBinds a GridView from a database. I then export the same page to EXCEL using Response.Buffer= true; Response.ContentType = 'application/'; Response.AddHeader('Content Disposition', 'attachement;filename=Clientes.xls'); Response.Charset = '; this.EnableViewState = false; [/I] The Excel page then looks beautiful, but, for example, if one of the columns holds CustomerID like 120004513076 then the EXCEL sheet would transform the column into general format, so the number would appear like 1.2000..
Paging Paging Paging
I am trying to do paging with my search results and it isnt working very well. Here is what I've tried and I feel I've tried everything, lol, please help me out. Sub DataGrid1_SortCommand(Sender as object, e as DataGridSortCOmmandEventArgs) DataGrid1.DataBind() End Sub Sub Datagrid1_PageIndexChanged(Sender as object, e as DataGridPageChangedEventArgs) Dim ds as dataSet DataGrid1.CurrentPageIndex = e.NewPageIndex if Session('Search') is nothing then 'Session probably has expired, get the datasource from database Datagrid1.DataSource = ..
Export gridview with paging to excel (VB.Net)
OK, I have a gridview I can export to excel, but when I set paging on, it only gets the first page. Below is the code I'm using. Can anyone tell me how to get all the data in the Gridview? VB.Net only please, thanks. ASPX CODE<asp:SqlDataSource runat='server' ConnectionString='<%$ ConnectionStrings:PPM %>' SelectCommand='SELECT TOP 2000 CustomerID,LastName,FirstName,Gender FROM Patients&q..
Cannot Scroll Pages, Print, or Export from ReportViewer Control
I have an AJAX page that collects user supplied information and when submitted it passes these parameters to a regular web form. This web form ONLY has Crystal ReportViewer and ReportSource controls on the page. Everything works as expected EXCEPT that the Export, Print, and Page Scroll functions do not work as expected. First, when scrolling pages, it will never go past page 2. Finally, when either the Export or Print functions are selected, the dialogs are displayed, but when the user presses the OK button NOTHING happens. Does anyone have some insight as to the problem(s)? Thanks. I hav..
How to use SSRS in aspx page using ReportViewer control
I have created and deployed my Sql server report using Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) in which i have used Store procedure. Now i want to use this report in my .aspx file. I think i shuld use Report Viewer control. Is there any nice guy who could suggess me that how could i use my Report in aspx file. Thanks and Regards Abhishek Kumar 9213949954 Hi Abhishek, Gotreportviewer site is best place to start with - Some other articles -
Page Number issue when exporting ssrs report to excel
Hi I have created a ssrs report and I have exported it to an excel file. My report consists of 100 records and within the excel file I need to display as page 1 of 100 etc. It displays well within the report but inside an excel file it simply displays as page 1 of 1.Does any one have a concrete solution? thanks Hi, Based on my understandings, you mean that the records are divided into some pages when you see them via the browser. However, when you export them into the excel file, they are displayed in the same sheet, right? As far as I know, all of the records will be ex..
.net Reportviewer export to excel using office 2007
Using, i had designed a matrix report, which is viewed using the report viewer. The column of the matrix report exceeds more than 256 columns.So while exporting to excel i am getting error 'the number of columns in Excel sheet exceeded the limit of 256 columns' As the maximum number of columns restriction is resolved in office 2007. I had installed office Excel 2007 and office 2003 in the client machine, but the export is using the Excel 2003 to render. How to tell the 'Export to excel' function in the report viewer to use the office 2007 for rendering? ..
ReportViewer Calendar
I am currently using Framework 3.5, Visual Studio 2008, and SQL Server 2008 to develop a web-based reporting requirement. I would like to leverage the ReportViewer webcontrol to let it handle all my parameter gathering, etc. When I place the ReportViewer into the Content control in my MasterPage setup, the calendar/datepicker does not work. When the calendar image/icon is clicked, the calendar does not pop up (or is not visible). I believe the issue is related to div positioning and css/javascript issues.I have seen some threads on other forums about this in SSRS 2005, and the proposed..
Page No's displayed in reportviewer different when exported to PDF File
Hi all,I have a typical problem when i export my report to PDF.when i see the report in Report viewer i have around 61 pages. and does not take the exact the report height which is specified in report properties.But when i export to PDF, PDF file has the exact width and height i specified in the report properties.Due to the following reason, we have mismatch in the no of pages that are present in PDF file and Reportviewer. Hence, when the user wants to print just a single page like 30 in a 61 pages report, he need to export the report, see where the contents are present in PDF file and ..
Intermittent Crystal Reports .Net 2.0 C# Exporting Paging Issue
Application Information: * .Net 2.0 * VS .NET 2005 * C# * Crystal Reports XI Release 2 for .NET 2005 * Windows Server 20XX something.. I forget.Experiencing an intermittent issue (which makes it all the more fun to troubleshoot) with Crystal Reports where when a report containing more than 1 page is run, the results display onscreen, but when the export button is pressed, the page seemingly refreshes itself and then blanks out (the results displayed go poof), and exports a document that contains nothin..
Paging in AP.NET/VB.NET
Hi All, Well.. a simple problem perhaps regarding paging in an application using I have a datagrid named dgResult and being trying to implement paging on it. Following is the code to capture the PageIndexChanged event. Sub dgResult_PageIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataGridPageChangedEventArgs) Handles dgResult.PageIndexChanged dgResult.CurrentPageIndex = e.NewPageIndex GetProperData() End Sub I have a break point at dgResult.Curre.. position. The datagrid, just do not accept the method and I can not event trap the event using a break ..
html content pageing in .net page
hi.. i have a problem and i'm not find in web this problem. problem : text data recorded in database and this text data content HTML. i want to pageing this textdata in page. i try count to character but to be HTML tag in text data.. i hope understand me. Hi. You can try using Server.HtmlEncode('<b>Your HTML Content Here</b>')Please don't forget to click 'Answer' if it helps you as it may help others also. no no i'm not find this. i write problem again : example have a text (3000 character) and i do paging this text..
Export to excel exports full page.
Out of all the questions i have asked here, i found a solution for it myself in 2 days or so. I have come a long way learning about asp tru this, but i have this one problem thats killing me for a week now. I found the code on a tutorial website, so i just used that, and it works :), but the only problem is that the export button when clicked, exports the entire page lol. i just want it to export the datagrid that shows on the page. Here is the coe i am using for the export button:1 Protected Sub btexp_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) 2 3 Dim cn ..
convert page to
ok I have an entire page in and now I want to integrate some code from another page but it written in what is the easiest way to convert to I tried using but it only gave me errors here is what I am trying to convert let me know if you have any ideas With Alex Lowe's translator ' Messages Private NoFileMessage As String = 'No file selected' Private UploadSuccessMessage As String = 'Uploaded Sucess' Private NoImagesMessag..
How to include another .NET page in your current page ?
Hello, Very simple question how do you include another .NET page in another ? Like say a include=test.aspx or something. I don't think it is possible and if it is, please someone show me some example code. What you can do is create user controls (*.ascx) and dynamically include them. On your page you can set a PlaceHolder control and in your code behind you could attach a user control to it PlaceHolderControlOnPage.Controls.Add(LoadControl('test.ascx')) Grz, Kris.Read my blog. Handy Firefox plugins for web developers.Workaround for non working Mark as answ..
how we can move to jsp page from .net page
Actually i am having login page in .net ,i want to move to jsp page when we clink on the button,is it possible? hiu can do thison ur button click in code behindOpen.Attributes.Add('onClick', 'fun1()'); in source page of write this<script> function fun1(Src){'JScript.js?src=' + Src,'_blank', 'height=550, width=750,left=100, top=100, ' + 'location=no, menubar=no, resizable=no, ' + 'scrollbars=no, titlebar=no, toolbar=no',true); &n..
default page header on excel exported page
i am using VWD i was able to export the data from the gridview into excel file. but i want to have a default header (i,e. the logo of a company ) for it to be ready for printing and for producing will i do it?any idea please...
Reportviewer loading page 0 instead of page 1 ???
Hi all, I am generating local reports (.rdlc) and rendering them to the client using reportviewer control. When I put the load function in if( ! IsPostBack ) block, the reportviewer retains the page user navigated to, but the first page is shown as 'Page 0 of xx' because of which I see many pages merged into this page and thus a very long page with a never-ending scrollbar appears. This is frustrating. If I navigate to another page, it works fine. When I place the load function of the report in page load or IsPostBack, the reportviewer shows the 1st page number c..
How to exclude extra page information from printing for an aspx page?
I want to create a printable version of an aspx page. But the extra information such as URL on the bottom, page title, page information on the top will be printed out. How can I exclude these information from printing in IE? I tried IE options but did not find the place to unset those. Thanks..
close page
Hi all,my problem..I have a Page1 with GRIDVIEW - where i click on an EDIT Button - this opens a new page2 with DetailView - to the selected ID in page1.In Page2 i have an Update Button. After Click on this Button i want to update the data to DB and close this page (Page2), redirect back to page1 with the previous selected ID and update the GRIDVIEW.I tried with onclick,response redirect, redeirecturl etc..But it doesn´t workCan someone help - Thanks try this in update click in the page2. Dim str As String str = '<scrip..
Gridview paging enabled. Has checkbox to select the row . If user select the checkbox on one page and move to 2nd page to select the rows there also to export the selected rows to excel. But doing so
HiI am using Gridview and that has paging enabled. Using checkbox to select the particular row of the gridview to export the selected rows to the excel . Everything is working fine except for one case.Let user selected the 'check' box for, five rows which user would like to export to excel (two of rows on page 1 of results and 3 of them on page 2 of results), however it only exports the 3 row details from page 2, because it seems to de-select the 2 rows from page 1 when I move to page 2 and vice versa. The code i am using is as :protected void BtnExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { binddata(); getinfo(); string excel = string.Empty; foreach (GridViewRow row in GridView1.Rows) { CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)row.FindControl('rowlevelcheck'); if (cb.Checked) { excel += '' + Convert.ToString(GridView1.DataKeys[row.RowIndex].Value) + ','; &n..
ReportViewer exporting
Hi, When you export a report in localmode using the ReportViewer export function, a new window will pop up with the download. Is there a way to eliminate that new browser window from coming up? Also, I'm having a little trouble writing some custom code to export the report instead of using the export toolbar. I found the following in a previous post..1 Dim buffer As Byte(), f As String, fs As System.IO.FileStream 2 f = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName() 3 System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(f, 'xls') 4 ' there is probably ..

PDF Export Results In Extra Pages. PDF Format Print Extra Blank Page With Header; Matrix Reports Spawn Extra Page - Enclosing In List Fixes This. Fit An Intere Table In Same Page Without Page Breaks Excel Export In A Single Sheet. Delete Extra Rows In Excel Export Thru Report Viewer Control; Page Header And Excel Export; Page Header + Export To. Try the below things, ConsumeContainerWhiteSpace = true Report Body SizePage Size+margin Size. Horizon xbox 360 modding tool download for mac free. I have done the 2 above things and my problem is resolved. I hope it will be helpful for you also.